The world around us is so beautiful for the eyes; aren’t you unknowingly harming the eyes?

The world is so beautiful. But if we could not see with our eyes, how beautiful! The world around us is so beautiful for the eyes. Again, the most sensitive organ in every human body is the eye. So it is imperative to take care of the eyes. Nowadays, most people spend most of the day looking at computer or phone screens. Aren’t you doing long-lasting damage to your two eyes without knowing it?
According to eye experts, the effects of blue rays emitted from a phone or computer cause damage to the eyes. Moreover, some seemingly innocent acts also cause eye damage. But there is nothing to worry about. There are some simple tips to follow every day. Some small changes have to be made in life. Then your eyesight will be fine. Learn how to keep your eyes peeled

1) Give a splash of cold water to the eyes several times a day. Give a splash of tears when you come from outside or sit at the computer and work continuously. If you do it regularly for a few days, you will feel the benefits.

2) Most Android phones have an option called ‘Night Mode’ or ‘Warm Mode.’ When you turn on this option, the screen of the phone turns yellow. This reduces the amount of harmful blue rays coming out of the screen. This warm mode is also present on the computer screen.

3) Many people have the habit of reading books while lying in bed. Some recent studies suggest that reading a book while lying down can cause eye damage. The main reason for this is that the distance between a book’s pages is not equal when reading a book while lying down. The angle of the book is also different again and again. Besides, there is pressure on the eye muscles. If this habit is maintained for a long time, it affects the eyes. Eyesight may be blurred. Maybe a headache. Even if you read a book lying on your back, it can be harmful. Sit down to read a book. Keep the distance of the book from the eyes 15 inches.

4) Many people travel by train and bus every day. On the handle of the train-bus, the seat contains many germs. After putting your hand on the seat or hand, don’t forget that hand. Only wipe your hands with hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap when you return home.

5) Must wear sunglasses when going out in the sun. Use sunglasses of any good brand. Very good with UV protection.

6) Those who wear glasses, they get regular eye examination. Use glasses, according to eye specialist advice.

7) Keep an eye on your eating habits to keep your eyes healthy. Put lots of vegetables in your daily diet. Vitamin A is very beneficial for eye health. Some of the foods rich in vitamin A are- red potato, carrot, spinach, broccoli, red spinach, capsicum, orange, tomato, papaya, ripe mango, etc.

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