wheeler accident lawyer San Antonio! rrpnews

If you’ve been invol’ved in an accident with an 18-whe’eler in San Antonio, you m’ay be entitled to compensation. O’ur experienced lawyers of’fer a free consultation to disc’uss your case and determine if yo’u have a claim. We will fight for you to get the compen’sation you deserve. Cont’act us today to schedule you’r free consultation.

Legal Options In A Serio’us 18-Wheeler Accident In San Antonio

Road accidents involving lar’ge commercial vehicles, su’ch as 18-wheelers and se’mi-trucks, occur every day, oft’en resulting in severe injuries to vehicle occ’upants.  If yo’u have been injured in a tru’ck accident, speaking w’ith an experienc’ed San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer can imp’rove yo’ur chances of nego’tiating a fair settlem’ent.


While obtaining a fa’ir insurance settlement follo’wing a car accident may be challen’ging, truck accident claims can be even mo’re difficult. Severe injuries res’ult in significant econ’omic damages, but insurance companies are often unwil’ling to settle for an appropr’iate sum.

Complex lease arrangeme’nts and contractual relations’hips can make determinin’g which party is liable diffic’ult. Understanding th’e intricacies of commercial liabili’ty insurance can als’o be confusing. Our att’orneys know how insurance an’d trucking companies op’erate, and we work har’d to ensure that our clients ge’t the maximum compensa’tion.

There are multiple fac’tors to be considered in get’ting full and fair compensa’tion in a truck accident, so it is important to cons’ult a San Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyer as soon as po’ssible.

Khattar Law, PC, ha’s experienced personal injury lawyers to help you nav’igate these claims. Book you’r first free consultation to disc’uss the details of yo’ur case.

18-Wheeler Accident Liability

18-wheeler accidents ca’n often be attributed to fati’gue, prolonged hours of dri’ving, excessive speeding, dri’ver impairment, and unfavo’rable weather conditio’ns. Additionally, cert’ain international tra’de deals have led to the influx of poor’ly maintained 18-wheelers fr’om Mexico and Central America on American high’ways.

At Khattar Law, PC, w’e are familiar with federal a’nd state regulations that all’ow us to spot safety violat’ions and establish liability in accidents. We are skilled in accur’ately assessing accidents invo’lving 18-wheelers and o’ther damages resulting fr’om motor vehicle accidents.

We can evaluate all da’mages and persuasively arg’ue for the settlement you dese’rve. Our negotiation and litigat’ion skills can help you get the compensation you ne’ed.

18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer San Antonio18-wheeler accidents m’ay involve multiple insurance policies, different i’nsurers, and multiple liable ‘parties. If another driver cau’sed the accident, you must det’ermine whether the driver w’as working for an emp’loyer, company, or indepe’ndent contractor. It is also imp’ortant to determine whet’her the driver was engaged in th’e company’s business du’ring the accident. If the driver wa’s working outside the sco’pe of their employment, th’e employer might not b’e liable. A San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney can eva’luate your case a’nd help you determine who ‘may be liable for your injuries.

To achieve a comp’lete settlement, all part’ies’ insurers must be cont’acted to recover compensatio’n for medical treatment an’d damage incurred by yo’ur car and other property. Th’e San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer has the req’uisite knowledge and skill to he’lp you obtain a fair sett’lement for your injuries.

How 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney Can Help You Recover The Damages Yo’u Dese’rve

If you or a loved one ha’s been the victim of a truck or 18-wheeler accident, th’e experienced injury lawyers at Khattar Law, PC, are he’re to help. Our San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers can help you recover dam’ages, including medical expe’nses, lost wages, and pai’n and suffering.

We have experience in personal injury and wro’ngful death litigation, inclu’ding cases involving truck’ing companies, owner-oper’ators, freight handlers, and int’ercity bus lines.

We Specialize In Crashes Involving:

  • Local service and mainten’ance trucks
  • Airport limos and hospita’lity vans
  • Construction vehicles
  • Local or long-distance bu’s or motor coaches
  • Other professionally op’erated vehicles

We can inform you ab’out your legal options following a serious truck accid’ent. If you have been involv’ed in an accident involving a hea’vy-equipment hauler, an 18-wheeler, or any oth’er commercial vehic’le, contact the San Antonio Truck’s accident lawyer at 210-923-1234′ for a free cons’ultation.

Commonly Ask’ed Questions About San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Cases

Below are five freque’ntly asked questions and ans’wers about 18-wheele’r accidents and how a San Anto’nio 18 Wheeler injury lawyer m’ay be able to help you.

Q. What if the party liable offers you insurance mo’ney?

A. Do not take the insurance money offered by the oppo’sing party witho’ut consulting your own San Antonio 18-whee’ler accident lawyer. At-fault parties often attempt to skirt liabil’ity by offering money thro’ugh their insurance compan’ies.

These amounts are eve’n less than what you may be entitled to through proper negot’iation. Agreeing to their terms ca’n be a huge mistake that cou’ld lead to signing away your legal rights. Always contact a S’an Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyer to discuss your op’tions before agreeing to any’thing.

Q. What should I do if I am involved in an 18-wheeler accident?

A. Seek immediate medical attention. It may be diffic’ult to ascertain the full exte’nt of your injuries. Seek medical attentio’n or call 911 immediately following the accident—important doc’ument facts. While obtaining proof is secon’dary to seeking appropriate medical attention, documenting an’d identifying may help y’our claim.

Capturing the truck’s registration number or lice’nse plate information may la’ter aid in the legal proc’ess. Contact a lawyer. After see’king appropriate medical attention, contact a San Antonio 18-wheeler acci’dent attorney to assi’st in establishing liability and filing a claim for the damages you’ have suffered.

Q. How to select an attorney following an 18-wheeler accident?

A. Always look for an attorney experienced in handl’ing 18-wheeler accidents. An 18-wheeler crash attorney wi’ll have the knowledge and skil’ls to mana’ge your case effectiv’ely.

Q. How are 18-wheeler accidents different than other motor vehicle accidents?

A. In 18-wheeler accidents, other parties aside fr’om the drivers may also be lia’ble because of truck mainte’nance issues and manufacturer-caused mechanical faults. This is why an 18-wheeler truck accident victim should h’ire a legal professional to conduct a thorough investigation an’d determine who may be liable and the multiple insurers involve’d.


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Were you or a loved 1 injured or killed in a recent 18-wheeler accident? The problem wi’th 18-wheeler accidents is they cause terrible damage to th’e people and property arou’nd them. The accidents ar’e frequently caused by th’e driver behind the wheel, an’d other people pay the pri’ce for this negligence. If yo’ur property was dama’ged or you were injured in an 18-wheeler accident, it’s essential to call a San Antonio personal inju’ry lawyer as soon as possi’ble.

There are plenty of 18-wheelers in and around Sa’n Antonio. These vehicles ke’ep our economy moving, bu’t they can cause serious injuri’es in the event of an accident. If yo’u or someone you love has bee’n injured in an accident wit’h a large truck, the Villarr’eal & Begum, LAW GUNS is here to help. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorn’eys will work to secure th’e compensation you des’erve.


After an incident as seve’re as a San Antonio 18-wheeler accident, seek assistan’ce from an attorney that has the tru’st of the community. Th’e Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is ready to help. Con’tact us today for a fr’ee case evaluation.

  • We focus exclusively on pers’onal injury law so th’at you can count on our extensi’ve and specialized knowled’ge in large truck accident cas’es.
  • We have a 99% success rate and have secured more th’an $500 million in compensation for our clients through succes’sful verdicts and settlem’ent negotiations.
  • We take all San Anto’nio 18-wheeler cases on a conti’ngency fee basis. This mean’s you do not owe us any legal fee’s until after we secure the com’pensation you are en’titled to.


Truck drivers are often hir’ed by large trucking compa’nies that put together stro’ng legal teams to protect th’eir bottom line. The less they p’ay out in claims, the more money th’ey keep. You need a team of attorneys with experie’nce fighting these large com’panies.

The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is a San Antonio truc’k accident based legal tea’m of compassionate and har’d-working lawyers. We bo’ast a long and proud history of representing clients injure’d by 18-wheeler accidents. ‘We provide a nurturing an’d encouraging atmosphere because we understand th’at 18-wheeler accidents often result in serious trau’ma, injury or death. Even if a drive’r is thrown behind bars for driv’ing drunk or endangering people’s lives, you don’t get paym’ent or reimbursement for yo’ur medical bills or prop’erty damage without going thro’ugh the claim or litigation proc’ess.

We work tirelessly to ens’ure that the insurance comp’anies or truck company pa’ys for their negligence. Yo’ur fight against a negligent driver is more than a call for mon’ey. It’s a way to protect your family and fellow Texans from the’se types of negligent dri’vers in the future.

When you get in an 18-wheeler accident you may be forced to pay for long-term medical care and even rehabilitation. Not to mention there’s a good chance you miss work and lose out on essential wages.


According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a fully-loaded 18-wheeler can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. Serious accidents can occur when these trucks collide with traditional passenger vehicles. During the latest reporting year in the US, there were more than 4,900 people killed and approximately 151,000 people injured in large truck crashes.

According to the Texas DOT, during the latest reporting year in the state, semi-trucks were involved in:

  • 465 fatal crashes
  • 786 suspected serious injury crashes
  • 2,530 suspected non-incapacitating injury crashes
  • 3,406 possible injury crashes


The San Antonio 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers at the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS regularly help clients who have sustained the following in an incident:

  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations or amputations
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

Truck accidents are often caused by the careless actions of the truck driver. This can include drivers failing to abide by regulations pertaining to how many hours they can operate daily, leading to driving while fatigued. There are also times when drivers operate while distracted or while impaired by alcohol or drugs.

Trucking companies can also be held liable for accidents. Companies must ensure that they follow proper hiring and training practices for drivers. They must also regularly inspect and maintain each vehicle to ensure they are in proper working order. If any part of these large trucks fails well operating at higher speeds, the results could be devastating.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a semi-truck accident caused by the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company, let the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS get to work on your behalf. Our qualified and experienced team will investigate your case and more to secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:

  • Coverage of all truck crash-related medical expenses
  • Lost income if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against a negligent truck driver or trucking company



You need a team that cares! Contact the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS to hire a caring and hard-working team of personal injury lawyers who put in the man-hours to get the compensation you deserve. Call (210) 800-0000 to schedule your free consultation. Make sure negligent drivers don’t get away with 18-wheeler accidents. Stop by our San Antonio law firm to ask any questions and discuss your concerns.

Author: rppnews

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