Car accidents in Florida a’re unfortunately common occurrences, meaning th’ere are a number of benefits in hiring a lawyer in case of accidents. Having a personal injury attorney o’n your side means that they will worry about the legal process, so y’ou don’t have to. There are m’any challenges that can oc’cur after a car accident, includi’ng insurance company challenges, dam’ages, and compensation ‘. Whether you are the at-fault driver o’r a victim of a car accident, a la’wyer can correctly guide you th’rough the legal process and give you valuable legal advice. Car accidents c’an often cause physical or m’ental injuries, which can m’ake the process of legal and insurance communications m’ore straining. In these instances, having legal representation can gre’atly facilitate the process of f’iling for a personal injury claim, insurance settlements, and pu’rsuing compensation.
At The Law Place, we o’nly charge our clients for legal ser’vices if our team successfully wi’ns your compensation claim. ‘If your claim is successful, The Law Pl’ace’s payment consists of a percentage of the total settlement th’at is won. This is a contingency f”ee agreement, meaning th’at you won’t be out of pocket for the services we provide. ‘w’ith over 75 years of experience wit’hin the state’s legal system, w’e excel in reaching settlement’ ag’reements that benefit our clients with personal injury ca’ses.
Our attorneys can provide y’ou with legal advice based o’n extensive knowledge of t’he Florida legal system. Ou”r lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Y’ou can reach The Law Place at (888) 464-8405 to schedule your fr’ee consultation toda’y.
What Should You Do After Having a Car Accident?
Car accidents may be regular occurrences, but it is s’till important that you t’ake the right steps as soon as an accident happens. Following all t’he legal steps is essential in ens’uring that you get legal representation to get the maximum compensat’ion you deserve. Listed below a’re important steps to ta’ke following a car accident:
- Dial 911 – It is important t’hat the first thing you do is call t’he authorities as reques’ted under Florida Statute 316.062. ‘Whether you are the at-fault dri’ver or a victim of the at-fault dr’iver, calling the authorities/paramedics is important for evidence purposes. Ask for a copy of t’he police reports as well as’ a copy of any injury records resulting from the car accident. These re’cords are vital when making a me”dical care costs claim and will be im’portant for your attorney to have. When calling 911, explain where y’ou are, what is the extent of the injuries on you or the oth’er party/parties (if there a’re any), and a description of t”he car accident scene.
- File an accident report – Even if the accident is a minor 1, it is important to file an accident report with the police.
- Make a detailed list of what happened – Try to reme”mber what happened in the moments preceding the accident. If y’ou or the other party was speeding, on the phone, swerving, o”’r do’ing any other activity which falls within the types of a DUI, then this may help establish neg’ligence.
- Gather evidence – It is im’portant that you gather witn’ess statements and evidence to support your case. Take videos, pictures, a’nd recordings of the sc’ene.
- Hire a car accident lawyer – Getting legal help will signif’icantly increase the chances of a successful case for y’ou. An attorney will provide yo’u with all the legal options and i’n-d’epth knowledge of the law to serve your best interests. An exp’e’rienced lawyer of our team will be able to review your case, offer l”egal advice and begin the st’eps to obtain the settlement a”mount you deserve.
Why Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
You might hesitate to ca’ll a lawyer in the case of a car accide’nt. However, there are a nu’mber of reasons why you sho’uld.
- You don’t have an in-depth understanding of car accident law – We understand that n’ot a lot of people are familiar wi’th the laws surrounding moto’r vehicle accidents. In any situ’a’tion, it is important that you hire a car accident attorney as i’t can greatly benefit your case to have an experienced lawyer fighting in your corner. They will g’ive you legal advice, help you d’eal with the insurance companies, a’nd make the legal process less da’unting in general.
- You may have a lot of damages – Car accidents cause a var’iety of different damages. Th’is can be personal injury clai_ms, medical bills, property damage’, or lost wages. Without an au’to accident attorney by your si’de, it can be difficult to calculate and de’termine the appropriate costs.
- Your insurance claim is denied, or the settlement is lower than you wanted – Hiring a c’ar accident attorney from ‘the beginning of the pro’cess can optimize your chan’ces of maximum financial compensation. In a lot of cases, insura’nce claims can be devalued. Hiri’ng a lawyer for your car accident cla’im means they will guide you th’rough the insurance claim pro’cess, obtaining the compensation y’ou deserve.
What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do for You?
Car accident lawyers ho’ld a number of qualifications and benefits, including the fol’lowing:
- Collect important evi’dence in relation to the car acc”ident, i.e., witness statements, police reports, medical records, ve’hicle inspection, and exp’ert witness reports.
- Conduct and manage &&all communications on your behalf, whether legal or &insur&ance-based.
- Determine liability.
- Calculate damages a&nd compensation cla’ims.
- Negotiate and mediate o’n your behalf.
- Represent your intere&sts through the entire process.
What Does a Car Accident Compensation Cover?
If you are considering hir’ing a car accident lawyer, legal cou’nsel can assist you in determining t’he amount you are eligible t”o receive in compensation. How much you can get in compensation d’epends on a number of factors, including whether you are the at-fa’ult party or the victim, the extent of yo’ur damages, and whether th’ey are several parties involved i’n the car accident. Compensation f’ollowing a car accident may inc’lude:
- Property damage.
- Pain and suffering.’
- Diminished earning capacity
- Medical care costs an’d bills.
- Lost wages.