Navigating Food Consumption in Extreme Hea

Navigating Food Consumption in Extreme Hea

.Navigating Food Consumption in Extreme Hea .We are all restless in the intense heat. Be careful in consuming food in this heat. The food

list is not the same throughout the year.


Apart from that, the list of food varies from one person to another according to age. Health, family status, needs, time, likes and dislikes, etc.


But the fact is, eating a balanced diet is important for us. So summer is no exception. We have to be careful about this especially in the heat of summer.


Hot drinks:

A normal adult needs to drink at least three to three and . A half liters in summer. Most of this will be safe water. Then sherbet (made of

sugar or molasses and lemon, is bagul or bell sherbet), fruit juice, juice, lach chi, light hot tea or coffee, light hot thin soup, soft drink,

coconut water, cold tea or coffee, and in some cases saline.


Hot breakfast:

In the morning for breakfast, yogurt, mango, soaked gram.  Soaked gram flour, bread, bread, rice, pulses, or curry. You can eat summer fruits with it.


Hot lunch:

For those who eat heavy meals at noon.  You can eat rice, lots of vegetables. Light cooking of small and big fish.Meat with pulses, eggs as

usual. Whatever you eat  there will be salad.


For those who eat light meals at noon. The big advantage is to . Eat plenty of fruits such as watermelon, mango, jackfruit, cucumber,

banana, litchi, jamrul.  With noodles, bread can be eaten with vegetables, pulses, or eggs.


Hot dinner:

In the evening, besides sherbet or tea-coffee. You can eat watermelon, jam rul, cucumber. Hot dinner: Hot dinner will be very easy. You can eat rice or bread, fish, vegetables, pulses or milk-mango in small quantities.



Before going to bed in the heat:

You can drink a glass of water or a glass of soft drink or milk. If you have a habit. This does not mean that.  Ya few days in a row. There

will be enough oil in the cooking. It is better to eat fewer spices. Salad can be eaten every time. Drink plenty of fluids.  But don’t get too

cold. Ice cream can also be eaten at this time.  But it can be eaten a little cold or in the evening without sweating in extreme heat.



Here are some tips this summer:

* You can take .A good bath at least twice a day.
* After bathing.  You can use powder deodorant.
* If the feet smell from.  Hot shoes or socks. Apply neem leaves and turmeric together on the feet. Wash it off when it is dry.
* You can use sunscreen and sunglasses when going out in the sun.
* When going out. Wear loose comfortable clothes. Light-colored clothes, and avoid extra makeup.
* Do not use the same clothes for a long time without washing. Eat plenty of fluids and drinks.Juicy foods (watermelon), and easily digestible foods.


Author: rppnews

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