Find out what will the children’s food be like? Learn more about what not to eat after the age of 30.

Find out what will the children's food be like? Learn more about what not to eat after the age of 30.

We are often worried about the chess that Sonamoni eats. Which foods to eat and which foods not to eat. We must make a food list judging by the nutritional value of children’s food. Let’s find out now what children’s menus should be.

# Breakfast menu:

Anyone fruit. There is no such thing as a finger apple. Because our native fruit is no less. Domestic fruits have given less quality to cheap fruits and more fruits to expensive fruits, not at all. If one cannot eat fruit, then fruit juice can be eaten. However, the whole result of the fiber is beneficial.
* Flour should not be eaten, flour bread and one or more vegetables fried with it.
* Boiled eggs, sometimes fried eggs, can be eaten to change the taste but fry with less oil. Mushrooms can be crushed with.
* Fry rice in very little oil. Cucumbers, carrots, and tortillas as a salad.
* Cucumber paste, onion paste, chili, and coriander leaves are mixed with an equal amount of wet chira.
* Sprouted mug ghugani. Similarly, gram and pea ghugani can also be made. * Barley chutney or oats can be eaten soaked in hot milk.
* Flour bread and pudding. Semolina, sago, and carrot can be served with molasses in haluya.
* Khichuri can be made by mixing pulses with sago.
* Salty or sweet cake, but not sugar, it is better to give molasses sweet.
* Sour yogurt. Molasses or honey can be mixed with it to make it sweet.
* It is better to eat 4 tablespoons of thankuni juice and honey in the morning to increase memory.

#School tiffin:

* Cucumber, carrot, and raw papaya.
* Indigenous fruits, such as Amalaki, guava, mango, grapefruit, Bungi, watermelon, and banana.
* Ghugani of the gram, pea, and sprouted mug.
* Boiled corn.
* Fried bread-vegetables or fried rice.
* Vegetable pakora, salty or sweet cake, momo (steamed vegetable or meat-filled cake).
* Mushroom wings.
* Chira polao.

# Breakfast after school:

* Mint boiled water or mint leaf tea, fruit, spirulina.
* Raw leaf juice or vegetable-like carrot juice.
* Sour fruits such as mango, grapefruit, pineapple, raw mango, kamaranga, olive, * blackberry, and chalta.
* Tamarind and sugarcane molasses syrup. Raw mango juice.
* Lemon water.
* Lachchi with sour curd and honey.
* Aloe vera or aloe vera syrup.

# Lunch:

* Cooking oil should be used as little as possible. It is better to have a moderate amount of olive oil.
* One or more vegetables in large quantities.
* Two or three types of vegetables are vegetarian or mashed. The mash of thankuni leaves is especially beneficial for the stomach.
* Salad and lemon of cucumber, tomato, raw papaya, onion, chili, coriander, lettuce, etc.
* Fish or meat curry, but neither is more than two pieces.
* Pulses. It is better to mix different types of pulses or eat them one by one. Pulses can also be mixed with pickled fruits and vegetables.
* Sour yogurt, mixed with four times water. Molasses can be given with that.

# Breakfast:

* Memo, ghugani, chira, murdi, pithy, molasses paste, and potato breath.
* The pressure made by rice powder.
* Mug shoots are smeared with onion pepper.
* Yogurt-Chira.
* Dried fruits, such as dates, nuts, raisins, bean seeds, and sweet pumpkin seeds.
* Barley husk or oats can be soaked in hot water with vegetables or soaked in hot milk to make porridge.
* Mushroom soup.

# Dinner:

* Vegetables of various kinds, vegetarian, without oil or with olive oil. No vegetables.
* Soft rice, porridge, flour, bread, or barley.
* Minimal amount of fish meat.
* It is better not to eat any Gurupak food at night. Some vegetables like cauliflower, sweet pumpkin, etc., are better to eat at noon.
* Sour yogurt syrup mixed with milk, lamb, cheese, and molasses.
* Digestive biscuits made of wheat or barley are not made in flour if you get hungry before bed.
* Soup or vegetarian can be made with mushrooms along with vegetables.

# Now let’s find out what not to eat when you are 30 years old:

As you grow older, your body tends to accumulate fat. With that comes an increased risk of heart problems or diabetes. So it is necessary to take care of the diet at the age of 30. Avoiding certain foods can help maintain good health even as you get older. Reduce the risk.

Protein and Energy Bar: This type of bar does not provide any protein and energy. Instead, sorbitol, glycerin, fructose, dextrose in all these bars harm the body.

White bread: Any food made with refined flowers is bad for the body. So it is better to exclude white bread from the diet as you get older.

Oreo: The Most Unhealthy Cookie Oreo is full of calories and fat. After 30, the tendency to accumulate fat in the body increases. So the fewer cookies you eat, the better.

Butter Popcorn: Although popcorn is a healthy snack, it can add flavor and block fatty arteries.

Margarine: Margarine contains trans fats like hydrogenated oils, which block arteries. Damages the skin.

Processed meat: Bacon, ham, salami, sausage, eating more wrinkles appear on the skin. These foods contain nitrite and nitrates, which increase oxidative stress, which lowers the levels of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Sugar-Free Snacks: Sugar-free snacks will follow weight loss. Rather artificial sweeteners disrupt the normal functioning of our body.

Iced coffee: Caffeinated drink disturbs sleep. As a result, fatigue and age appear on the face. If you want to have coffee, it is better to have hot coffee.

Canned soup: High blood pressure causes age spots on the face. The canned soup contains much sodium, which raises blood pressure.

Beer and cocktails: As we age, our body’s alcohol metabolism becomes harder, which increases the risk of eating unhealthy foods. Sleep disturbances result in weight gain. Alcohol, on the other hand, dehydrates the skin.

Author: rppnews

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