Not being able to keep an account of income and expenditure is a far cry to save at the end of the month; many people do not have money in hand. Many dreams are not fulfilled in this way. For those who regret not saving money, the popular method is the ‘Thirty Day Saving Rule’ or the method of saving money in a month.
If you keep saving money, you will be able to buy something important or save a large amount of money later. In this way, you may be able to make use of the long-delayed hanging tour plan.
First of all, income and expenditure calculation:
Plan to save a certain amount of money day, week, or month. Calculate your monthly income and essential expenses to see how much money you can save. Then decide how much money you can save every day, week, or month. If the amount is less, keep it in the earthen bank.
It is better to keep it in a bank account. Salary will be credited to the salary account, and there will be a system of direct money transfer to the savings account. Remember, no matter how small the amount deposited, it will increase over time.
Exclude the urge to buy in a hurry:
It is usually seen that when we see something in the shop or see advertisements, we have a strong desire to buy something. In this case, we have a strong desire to buy the thing rather than our own spending limit. This is not the reason why we lack the necessary money, and many people borrow money. In this way of saving money for 30 days, first of all, you have to get rid of the urge to do this hot shopping.
Most of the time, we don’t have money because of that shopping (impulse buy). If you want to save money for 30 days, you have to get rid of this hot shopping habit. If you want to buy something within these 30 days, but after waiting 30 days. If not, the money will remain in your savings account. And once you start accumulating money, the desire to save more will increase.
If you see something and want to buy too much, convince yourself that you will buy it after 30 days. Please write the name, requirements, price, etc., of the item you want to buy on a sticky note and put it in the fridge or cloth cupboard. Every time you look at the paper once a month, think about how important it is for you to buy the thing. And how much money you can save if you don’t buy it.
Challenge yourself:
People who have the habit of spending money freely cannot control it even if they want to. But in these 30 days, hurry up and challenge yourself not to buy anything unnecessary. Set a goal of how much money you will save in 30 days.
If you want to increase your savings in addition to hasty shopping money; In that case, whenever possible, keep some extra money in a savings account or bank. By depositing little by little, a large amount of money will be accumulated at once.
Exclude one month from restaurant eating:
Playing outside at least a few days every day, week or month costs much money. These 30 days, control yourself from the desire to eat out.
Eat at home in the morning, try to take it with lunch. If you eat out or are forced to eat, it is impossible to stay within a certain budget. So for these 30 days, promise yourself not to eat any food outside or in a restaurant. Specify the budget while playing. It will save much money. Don’t even go to a tea or coffee shop. Drink tea or coffee at home or in the office. Take home-made fun snacks from home.
Leave the money that you used to pay in the restaurant in the earthen bank. At the end of the month, leave the money in the savings account.
Not to mention the cost:
Take a look at your income and expenses to see if there are any expenses that you can put off for a while if you want. If you can do the work of a salon or parlor at home, you can save some money.
Now, after 30 days, calculate how much money you were able to save or save! Hopefully, this one-month controlled budget can boost your savings habits.