5 best free website hosting service to consider in 2023 . Is free website hosting any good ? Well, “free” is always good but not always worth it in the long run. Let me explain:
In short, if you want to run a test website . You not expecting to get much from it. you don’t want to invest any money into it at all. Then
free website hosting might indeed work for you!
In 95% of other cases, you’re going to be better off with . A cheap website hosting plan – no more expensive than $2.75 or even $1.99 per
month (small businesses or online stores often choose something in this price range).
If you’re in a hurry, here’s a summary of our findings based on the analysis below:
Free website hosting is ok for a hobby project or a ok type of project. It’s okay if you want to run a site for a short while, get your data and then ‘ it off.
For any sort of serious website building project or a site that’s meant to stay online for a long while. You’re better off with an affordable web hosting plan or even a pick from the very best web hosting services out there.
For example, Bluehost is our recommended self-hosted website server. If you check them out through our link, you’ll unlock a special discounted price of $2.75 / movs the $3.75 standard entry-level price. You also get a free domain name bundled in.
Alternatively, you might o’pt for an all-in-one solution. For exa’mple, Wix is a good choice fo’r a quick start, covering b’oth hosting and website builder in 1 place. Although there is a free pl’an, you can try any premium plan offe’ring 14 days of money-b’ack.
Want to get the full story? W’e compared ten of the best fre’e website hosting opti’ons to help you make your decis’ion.
Here are the pros and con’s of each one, plus in which scen’arios going with free website hosting m’ight be a good idea.
The limitations of free website hosting
In life, you tend to get what y’ou pay for, and web hosting is n’o exception. If you choose the fre’e hosting route, be prepared fo’r some common issues that co’me along with it.
Even the best free hosting ten’ds to be fairly unstable, which c’an result in downtime. Also, provi’ders typically place’ restrictions on storage spa’ce and bandwidth, limiting your si’te’s growth and traffic capacity. Yo’ur personal website or busi’ness website may also have slo’w performance. 5 best free website hosting service to consider in 2023.
That said, there are times yo’u may want to consider free hosting. Fo’r a personal project, it may be all you need. The same is t’rue if you’re practicing your we’b design and development skills and just want a space to try out ne’w ideas.
Perhaps you’re setting up a’n area to test new plugins or the’mes. In that case, the limitations of f’ree hosting shouldn’t be a bar’rier to what you want to accomp’lish. O’f course, if you simply ne’ed a staging site, you may w’ant to use a local development tool, su’ch as Local, and not worry abo’ut hosting at all.
However, if you need a live s’ite and don’t want to deal with th’e drawbacks of free web hosting, there are some affordable alternatives to consider. A cheap host can help you keep yo’ur budget low while avoid’ing poor site availabi’lity.
1.InfinityFree is a fr’ee web hosting service that boasts a 99.9% upt’ime guarantee. It off’ers us’ers:
- An auto-installer wi’th mo’re than 400 different apps, inclu’ding WordPress
- Free subdomai’ns
- 5 GB disk space
- Unlimited band’width
- 400 MySQL datab’ases
- Knowledge base supp’ort
You’ll also have access t’o the Softaculous Script Inst’aller to set up WordPress. This host’ing service provider doesn’t offe’r domain registration, but yo’u can use one you’ve acqu’ired fro’m another registrar.
Once your website is pu’blished, your visitors won’t s’ee ads. However, there will b’e ads in cPanel on the back end. Your site is also limited to 50,000 hits pe’r day.
InfinityFree is power’ed by iFastNet, which also offers’ premium hosting. The cheapest plan starts at $4.99 per mo’nth and includes six free doma’ins, unlimited disk space, an’d more features.5 best free website hosting service to consider in 2023.
Wix is a drag-and-drop web’site builder – similar to tools li’ke Weebly or Squarespace; an’d yup, you don’t need to be fam’iliar with PHP, like you do with other solutions (e.g. – Joomla).
However, we’re featuring Wi’x on this list because it’s kind of an all-in-one solution for both a web’site platform and server space to host that website. Since Wix do’es co’me with a free plan, this makes it a free website hosting serv’ice as well. This free website bu’ilder is a unique way to enjoy aw’esome site-building features backed by enterprise-grade reliabi’lity. On that free plan, you’ get:
- Wix.com subdoma’in
- Beautiful templa’tes
- 500 MB disk spac’e
- 500 MB bandwidt’h
- Global content delive’ry network
- Free SSL and security’ monitoring
- Knowledge base and custo’mer support
- Decent load ti’mes
Unfortunately, if you’re expe’cting no ads, you will be disappo’inted. Just like most of the free we’b hosting providers, Wix pla’ces their own ads on free pl’an sites. You can only connect a’ Wix subdomain and would ha’ve to move to a paid plan for co’nnecting a custom dom’ain.
The eCommerce functio’nality is also unavailable in the free version. However, you can stil’l set up things like bookings, ev’ents, and forums, and fill in y’our site with SEO-friendly content wi’th just a few clicks.
ByetHost is another f’ree hosting service that you could u’se. It’s plan features:
- Five subdomai’ns
- 1 GB disk sp’ace
- 50 GB monthly transf’ers
- One MySQL database
- 24/7 support via tick’et sys’tem and knowledge ba’se
ByetHost offers solid sup’port ‘for its free plan, which can be rare. You can access a self-serv’ice knowledge base and vid’eo tutorials, but a ticketi’ng system is also available.
In addition, you’ll receive usa’ge statistics such as disk space, bandwidth usage, and dai’ly hits. You can find this da’ta in VistaPanel, which is ByetHost’s free hosting control pa’nel. Then, you can use the information to help budget your resou’rces.
Like InfinityFree, ByetHost is managed by iFastNet. Th’is’ company provides a variety of web hosting services at afforda’ble prices. For instance, the Ultim’ate Premium plan comes with unlimited bandwidth, disk sp’ace, and addon domains. It star’ts at $7.99 per month.
HyperPHP is a free hosting and domain service for pers’onal websites. Its plan off’ers:
- 1 GB disk spa’ce
- Free subdoma’ins
- MySQL database
- Free tech support a’nd community forums
HyperPHP offers a few w’ays to make launching a new webs’ite easy. Firstly, a free dom’ain transfer is available. Thi’s host also offers an automatic scr’ipt installer, which you can acc”ess through VistaPanel.
HyperPHP is a free service offered by iFastNet. However, if you want to build a professional busi’ness website, we recommend upgrading to a paid plan. Starti’ng at just $4.99 per month, these premium hosting plans include advanc’ed features such as Cloudflare Railgun, which can help sp’eed up your site and deliver a smo’other user experie’nce.
5. 000WebHost
000WebHost is a fr’ee hosting option from Hostinger. So’me of its features include:
- One website
- 300 MB disk sp’ace
- 3 GB of bandwidth
- One MySQL data’base
- Community for’um
000WebHost comes with the Z’yro website builder, which sho’uld make designing your site les’s intimidating. Like Infini’tyFree, visitors to your website w’on’t see ads, but there will be ads in yo’ur WordPress dashboard.
Free hosting from 000WebHost doesn’t even require a credit car’d to set up, and you can use it as long as you like. Also, if you outg’row your free plan, you can ea’sily upgrade to a cheap plan from Hostinger. Hostinger pla’ns start at $1.99 / month for yo’ur fi’rst billing cycle.